The Cisco 1000BASEEX SFP Module is an industrystandard Small FormFactor Pluggable (SFP) Gigabit Interface Converter that links switches and routers to the network Featuring a robust design for enhanced reliability, this SFP receiver/transmitter module plugs into a Gigabit Ethernet port or slot and is hotswappable to maximize uptime andThe hotswappable input/output device plugs into a Gigabit Ethernet port or slot Optical and copper models can be used on a wide variety of Cisco products and intermixed in combinations of 1000BASET, 1000BASESX, 1000BASELX/LH, 1000BASEEX, 1000BASEZX, or 1000BASEBX10D/U on a portbyport basis Features and Benefits1000BASEEX SFP for longreach singlemode fibers The 1000BASEEX SFP operates on standard singlemode fiberoptic link spans of up to 40 km in length A 5dB inline optical attenuator should be inserted between the fiberoptic cable and the receiving port on the SFP at each end of the link for backtoback connectivity
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